New Clients


First Time Taking Pilates?

Booking a Session-

  • All private and duet studio lessons, including virtual, are scheduled directly through the instructor. Please contact us today to book your first lesson.

  • For in-person mat lesson details, including location and time, please follow the link to group mat lessons

  • Virtual mat lessons can be scheduled directly through the virtual mat class registration

A Couple Things to Remember-

  • Arrive early and allow time for traffic.

  • At your first session, you will be required to sign a liability release form as well as a medical history form.

  • Wear something comfortable that will allow you to move

  • Please plan to wear socks with grippy soles in your private lesson. These can be purchased at the studio for $20 or through larger vendors such as Target or Amazon.

  • Pilates is for EVERY BODY. There is no perfect body type, age or gender to practice. Every individual can improve their life through movement.